Are you complaining about discomforts in life? Even though you have Electricity, Cooking Gas, House to live, Drinking Water, Vehicle for Transportation, Food to eat for 24 hours. This is the story you want to Read. It was just looking at life from a totally different perspective after spending time with Masai Tribe, how we see life in a different perspective. 

Inside the Hut

Discomforts do not bother any more. The village has community living. Average height, have seen them is around 6.5 ft, but their Hut’s height is 3.5 ft. No Electricity only one small window like two palms size. 

Guide asked us to enter the hut to see inside, we need to bend and enter the hut, suddenly we felt blind, lost, confusion. we could not see anything inside, Guide said do not worry your eyes will get adjusted, will be able to see, could not believe him, after few minutes, yes, our eyes adjusted its lens, we were able to see little bit. Small window, not much ventilation, cooking inside with firewood, still burning, small kids, few months old baby also inside. Small bed, cooking area, explaining someone initiated the project for closed chimney, lot of people are getting sick because of the smoke from cooking. 

Masai Tribe Culture

Learnt contentment in life with the tribe. Men and Women were so respectful and joyful about visitors and amongst themselves. Women were dressed in lot of jewelry; they wear mostly red colored dresses. Same house, sides calves were sleeping, animals were integral part of life. We were told, interesting fun fact was, Girls get to choose a guy, who can jump higher in the crowd. We get to jump with them for fun. They are lead nomadic lifestyle, Women are responsible for constructing the house, life mostly depends on their cattle. 

It was an awesome, fun, amazing, eye-opening experience in my life, learnt how to be content with my life. Dream came true on meeting African women. 

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