Offering a corporate wellness solution which is committed to the health, fitness and well-being of your company and employees. It includes health education, nutrition services, stress management, techniques of stress reduction and strengthening resilience. It teaches Zero Waste methods to save natural resources and of course the Company’s money.
We are making a difference in Education system by transforming the students to adopt more preventive health care, sustainable way of living with environmental awareness. With our programs we help institutes to integrate health and sustainability, Personality Development with social values as part of their education system.
Offering a Wellness Solution Program that extends and cultivates healthy habits among employees and improves health outcomes, all the while increasing productivity and boosting employee engagement. Other Programs include Ethical Leadership skills, Social Responsibility, Team Building Spirit.
Offering a Wellness Solution Program that extends and cultivates healthy habits among employees and improves health outcomes, all the while increasing productivity and boosting employee engagement. Other Programs include Ethical Leadership skills, Social Responsibility, Team Building Spirit.
We also specialize in Communication and Presentation Skills, Essentialism, Focused and Smart working skills for Problem Solving. Please visit our Projects and Courses & Workshops pages to find out details about Yoga, Growing Your Own Food, Healthy and Sustainable Living. Check out our Free videos, Blog for more information.
We design several programs based on the size of the organization, budgets and requirements.
Talks is our low cost package, This will provide basic understanding of healthy living, stress management, and relaxation techniques. It teaches tools for team building, focused and efficient work style.
The costs of our workshops will vary. We first learn your goals and needs, and build you a tailored proposal that meets your expectations and budget.
We can organize Various Personality, Employee Engagement, Team Building, Ethical Leadership, Wellness Programs.
Please visit our PROJECTS and SERVICESfor our work with people from different walks of life.
We can organize Various Personality, Employee engagement, Team Building, Wellness, Leaderships Programs, Workshops, Talks.