Eating Habits

“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.” This proverb reflects the Ayurveda belief that food and medicine should be intertwined. When you feed your body and spirit with the right foods, illness will be rare.

I have seen lot of diet suggestions floating around the world, observed closely with people following diets, but it is lasting only for few months.Why, Why I questioned in my mind many times then I realized and come to my own conclusion. If you we can follow these, eating habits can be consistent.

I have seen lot of diet suggestions floating around the world, observed closely with people following diets, but it is lasting only for few months.

Why, Why I questioned in my mind many times then I realized and come to my own conclusion. If you we can follow these, eating habits can be consistent.

  1. Do anything in moderation
  2. Apply common sense
  3. Listen to your body

Modern times, Food is cheaper, it is available at every nook and corner. we don’t pay attention to how much we eat, how frequently we are eating. Keep munching all day long, ignoring our heart and digestive system. Are we giving time for digestion?

Gap between Meals:

  1. Keep minimum gap at least 2 to 3 hours between eating, listen to your body.
  2. During buffet lunches & holidays, parties, lot of varieties available, will be tempted so much, keep stuffing in. Lack of discipline bringing more trouble later on. Remember moderation.

In my farm one elderly person works, he maintains timings for everything, morning comes at 8 after breakfast, lunch at 1pm, no food afterwards, no tea/coffee, only at 5pm he drinks tea. I used to offer snacks, fruits he rejected so many times. He is so healthy and optimistic in life.

Maintain timings

Since childhood I have seen my uncle, everything on dot waking up, breakfast, lunch 12, tea at 3, dinner at 7, sleeping at 9. He is 76 years old, even now he can cycle around 7km every day. After eating big meal in villages they socialize with neighbors and sleep, there is a gap between eating and sleeping.

In my child hood visited one of my aunt’s place, they used to wake up to the crowing of the cock, no alarms at that time. Buying vegetables fresh at 3pm in front of their house street bazar, buy it, cook at 4pm then eat at 5, sleep around 6 to 7pm.

One more story – I was in Delhi coming back to Andhra, need to catch a flight, had lunch at small restaurant. After eating, saw an incident, one kid was digging into the bin and eating food from it. Of course I responded to it, talked and supported him with something, that day onwards, am sharing that story with other kids not to waste food, not stuff yourself with excess food.

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